MA-01-09E - Compact Aerial Photography System is designed for Cameras of all manufacturers up to 500 g. Its the simplest system to use and depending on the Camera choosed it can produce High Quality Aerial Photographs. Fast to deploy and pack...
MA-01-07 DS1/B - System designed for DSLR Cameras like The Canon Rebel series, Nikon DSLR, Olympus or other DSLR Cameras. The Camera rig has a mechanical gyro system that level's the Camera with the horizon line all the time...
MA-01-07 DS1 - Lift and stability are designed for heavy cameras like Canon 5D Mark II, III, IV, Nikon D3X or similar. It has minimum 2 to 3 hours autonomy while in use...
In comparison to aerial photography drones, using aerostats for aerial imagery gives you much more freedom. Even the best drone for aerial photography cannot stay in the air for longer periods of time (10 to 20 minutes), which is needed to capture the perfect shot. Our aerial photography camera systems have much, much longer flight times. Minimum 2+ hours, can reach high altitudes, and can carry various loads. These Aerial Photography Systems are perfect solutions for wildlife Aerial Photography, extensive and long term monitoring, IR inspections, coast line surveillance, wildlife counting, pollution monitoring, ... and countless other uses. Tested extensively over many years internally, abroad and worldwide.
Top Quality Double welded Polyurethane Envelopes. Tested Electronic Photography Systems. Predictable and Reliable!
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